Thread: In times of war
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Default In times of war

"Jeff Morris" wrote in message ...
You're welcome. But did I ever admit to holding a current license?

OK thats an out.

And the think the "activation"
is now voluntary.

Not so my friend. Remember the oath you took?

And besides, I've already done my time,

When? Where?

I doubt they'll ask me again.

Yeah not likely, but still a slim chance in times of declared war.

This reminds me, I should call my FIL, a real Merchant Marine from WWII - survivor of PQ17 and PQ18,
and one of the few ships to be sunk twice by torpedo (SS Oklahoma), and 17 days in a liferaft.


I wish I could call my WWII Era Merchant Marines hero. He was on the
bridge of a T2 tanker that took a torpedo in 43. The pressure wave of
the explosion broke both his ankles. Captain Art Costa. RIP. You can
search his name on the internet and find quite a few things about him.
He was a good friend of Bob Dole. He was my Uncle.

Better make that call!

MSV RedCloud

"Joe" wrote in message
Jeff, Neal,and the other members of the Merchant Marines.

Thanks for standing in line to be called to active duty if the need arises.

Best Regards,