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I told you months ago what needed to be done and how to overcome terrorism.

Cheers MC

Simple Simon wrote:

"The_navigator©" wrote in message ...

No, I don't think that's true. He loves the US and is voicing his
concern at how she is being misled. I know lots of good Americans who
feel the same way. I too love the ideals that the US aspires to but I
cannot accept that what has been carried out agianst Iraq conforms to
those ideals. I also mourne the loss of human life be it Iraqi, American
or anyone. When 9/11 took place I was most concerned that you would
react blindly and in pain and that concern has not dimished. The trouble
is that good statesmanship is lacking. You must try to see things from
the other persons perspective to achive your goal. If you read
Schwarzkopfs biography you will also see it there in black and white
from a most patriotic man.

Bobsprit loves only himself. He could care less for the
safety of Americans. If it were otherwise he would not
act the way he does - like a traitor!

He has yet to make one concrete and realistic suggestion
concerning alternative action. Like you and other liberal
fools ALL he does is gripe and complain. The reason being
is it easy to gripe, complain and deride the best efforts
of others who are actually doing something. Nobody is
perfect and any action will have those who disagree and
some things will always go awry in the process but the
end result is what should be looked at most closely but
to take NO ACTION AT ALL other than to call people
murderers and seek to destroy and dishonor those who
give their lives for what they believe in is traitorous.

The war against terrorism in Afghanistan and in Iraq
is a process. It is an ongoing process to rid the world
of terrorists. It is not an easy way but it can and should
be fought and won. To allow terrorist free reign is just
plain stupid and until any of you liberals can come up
with a realistic alternate plan you should shut your the
holes under you noses.

Lead, follow or get the **** out of the way. You cannot
lead by bitching, complaining and doing nothing constructive.

How anyone can live like you and that asshole Bobsprit with
a philosophy that screams defeat at every turn is beyond human
