Thread: In times of war
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Default In times of war

Brit's got Enigma. Yanks broke the Japanese codes. I rechecked my
paperwork on the license. Yep! I can be recalled to duty. Not military
per se but Merchant Marine. If you are called or not depends on the 'need'.
WWII they took AB's, yachties and whatever else and made mates and
eventually Captain's of them. Maybe only for running military tugs but it
freed up others for, in turn, bigger things. During the Viet Nam years the
need for cannon fodder dropped the entrance requirements to the lowest
levels since . ..when? Could Neal end up commanding a Navy Tug or LCI?
No. 25 ton's is not enough. But a shore boat is a distinct possibility.
Humour aside they go for the unlimited tonnage guys first, 1600 next, 500
ton thereafter and if needed the 200 ton guys with the emphasis on Any
Ocean.. But the rest of us are on the hook . .. As an aside a year
or so ago I ran into a retired 500 ton Captain who was sitting for his 1600
ton license. Age 70. I asked him why? He just gave me a funny look and
said, "In case my country needs me." Now it's true I'm cynical about a lot
of things . . . .but I thoroughly understood and appreciated his answer.