Which Radar, Redux
Subject: Which Radar, Redux
From: "Simple Simon"
Another example of why we consider Neal to be the Southern member of the "Booby
Twins" ... Bobsprit, being the Northern
Another thing to consider as well. According to the COLREGS
any vessel that has operational radar installed is required to
use it at all times when underway - even with unlimited
visibility. Do you really want to be washed with microwaves
the whole time you're sailing?
G Although I might agree with the technical accuracy of this statement .....
get real, neal.
Then there's the COLREG requirement that in restricted vis.
if you have radar you must plot and ascertain the course of
all traffic you see on the screen. This is a lot of work and
very difficult on a small sailboat that is being tossed around
by any seas and wakes that may be evident.
For someone, such as yourself, with zero radar experience, the above could be
true. Actually, plotting is quite simple and easily accomplished ..... and, as
per usual, in the real world, there's plotting, and there's plotting.....
Once you do
get the coursed plotted it is up to the vessel with radar to
use that information to avoid a collision. This makes the
radar-using vessel a defacto give-way vessel where as
a small sailboat without radar can simply stand-on.
ROFLMAO ....still trying the BS, I see.
HEY, Joey !! Never, I repeat, NEVER, trust any statement, regarding the Rules,
posted by Neal.