Australians' disgusting behaviour
Capetanios Oz wrote in message
On Sat, 22 Nov 2003 00:02:26 -0000, "Donal"
Yes, Oz. You know what I mean.
The rugby world cup is about 9 hours away, and the Australians know that
they are not talented enough to win.
Ya think?
Oh yes!
So they have engaged in a concerted attempt to deprive the English
of sleep by driving past their hotel with horns blaring. Aussie crowds
gathered outside the English team's hotel and sung abusive songs.
I haven't heard that.
Did you hear the songs on BBC5?
I only listen to R4.
The Australians are so desperate that they have even resorted to using
Voodoo dolls!!!!
That must be the Sth African immigrants :-)
How can we tell the difference? You both sound exactly the same!
Australia should not be allowed to host the World Cup again, as they are
incapable of displaying any hospitality at all. They have treated their
guests with a shocking degree of contempt. People marching on the
carrying placards that proclaim that the Engish are boring????? How
ignorant can you get?
Everyone I've heard has spoken of how well it's gone and what a
wonderful country this is.
Were the people that you spoke to,..... Australian, perchance?
BTW, France is also a wonderful country..... apart from the French!!
Boring...Ya gotta admit their style of play is boring as
bat****..effective against some but boring!
I'm sure that Australians will find it boring.. Being on the receiving end
of a good hiding is hardly interesting, is it?
Well hey, England is the winningest Rugby team over the last few
years, you'd be a fool to take them lightly.
AND its pouring rain here which will suit those big fat OLD men who
just run straight.
Making your excuses already??? Rain?? Are the Australians afraid of
getting a bit wet?