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Harry Krause
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Default Excessive Oil Injection (I think)

JohnH wrote:
On Sat, 19 Jul 2003 06:58:28 -0400, Harry Krause

K. Smith wrote:

Again the safe thing is to do away with it & mix tcw3 in the tank @ 50 to
1. The dealers of course deny any of this but they have a vested interest & if
you choose to have the system properly serviced by one, you'll see exactly what
that is.


The only "safe" thing to do is to totally ignore your prejudiced opinions.

Where was 'prejudice' introduced in Karen's response?
On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

Her never-ending anti-dealer prejudice, of course. It isn't obvious to you?

I've had engines "properly serviced" by dealers for years and haven't
had any problems with the dealerships. Smith doesn't even own an
outboard, probably has never seen a modern outboard in person, and
certainly doesn't repair them. She picks up tidbits in newsgroups,
stretches them to near breaking and then regurgitates them here. She's a

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