Liberals - wrong again as usual.
I rather doubt we will see the foreigners financing our deficits if
the dollar is weak and getting weaker. They won't be buying those
Treasury Notes. That will obviously drive up interest rates as the
Government competes for capital to finance it's borrowing, but hey,
other than that...
On Fri, 12 Dec 2003 14:33:25 -0500, "Simple Simon"
You stupid liberal!
You pathetic 'Hate America First' asshole. Like Horvath said.
"Weak dollar? What weak dollar? My beers still cost the same."
Only an idiot worries about a 'weak' dollar. When our dollar is
'weak' it helps balance the trade deficit by making our exports
more competitive. A more balanced trade deficit in turn helps
strengthen the dollar. Currencies fluctuate. They have always
fluctuated and they will always fluctuate. Live with it, you turd
for a brain.
"Ric" wrote in message ...
"Simple Simon" wrote in message
Remember when the liberals tried to claim tax cuts harm
the economy? Bwahahahahahhahahahahahah. Wrong again.
Yeah but all that false stoking is at the price of a collapsed dollar.
Pretty easy to stoke up the economy if you let the currency become junk.