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Default Don't Hire This Man!

What if Gov. Bush
had not ordered the Florida hiway patrol & state police to turn away
minority voters by the thousand?

SAIL LOCO wrote:
Unregistered voters.

If they were turned away at the door, then how does anybody know if they
were registered or not?

Fact- In heavily Democratic districts, polls opened late & closed early.

Fact- The registrars were instructed to remove from the rolls anybody
who had the same last name as a convicted felon in Texas (this alone
dumped at least 5,000 registered voters). Nice coincidence.

Fact- In several counties, Republican volunteers sorted through all
absentee ballots and systematically purged regstered Democrats. They
claimed this was 'fair' because the Dems 'had the chance to stop them
but didn't.'

In short, there were several cases of just plain fraud, big time, which
handed the Republicans anywhere between 5,000 and 15,000 extra votes.
This makes the whole recount fiasco a joke... although it was still
extremely close.

That's why all the exit polls showed Gore winning by a comfortable
margin... people told the pollsters who they voted for, only to have
their vote not count or not be allowed to vote. Then there was another
large number (who got all the publicity) who _thought_ they voted for
Gore but actually voted for Buchanan or some such.

It really surprises me that this didn't get more play in the news then.
I guess it's just another example of the 'liberal biased media' which
continues to give President Bush such a huge boost and so many free