We lice in SW Florida and it is amazing at how many boats are
under-utilized. Our neighbor across the canal, has a new-ish 18 ft AquaSport
that I have NEVER seen leave the lift in the 4 1/2 years since we moved
Maybe they think the ultra-low hours will help the resell value! (sarcasm
intended for those who might have missed it)
"Bill Kiene" wrote in message

I see tons of old boats(cars and RVs too) that are just sitting there
rotting for years. I guess lots of people just don't want to take the time
to get rid of them and others probably want too much for them.
I think people should just put a sign on them and say "take me" or "offer
me something" and get rid of them so someone can put some time and money
into it and have some fun.
Bill Kiene
Kiene's Fly Shop
Sacramento, CA