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Default My Complaint About Katysails

Katysails is a constant source of embarrassment on this group.

Why? Because . . .

1) Katy doesn't know how to set her word wrap or use a
carriage return.

Yes, I do. I just choose not to. It's a woman's prerogative, ya know.

2) Katy doesn't know how or doesn't care to include at
least a snippet of the post she is answering. On the
rare occasions she does, she does not identify who
wrote the quote - it just appears with no identifiers.

Those that I'm addressing know who I'm talking to. Your problem is that =
you think they're all addressed to you...or hope they are...and can't =
stand that your name is not appended. Silly boy.

3) Katy rarely talks about sailing, politics, science, religion
sex, or any of the other stuff men are interested in talking

Yes, I do. You just don't read those posts. I will agree that lately I =
do not talk about politics. It is Christmastime. There is enough worry =
and sadness in the world and I am fully aware of it. I do not need to =
add my two sense worth and it will not change a thing. I would prefer =
that my holidays be directed at the true spirit of Christmas, and that =
is devotion to first God, and then my family. All else stands in a long =
line behind those things.

4) Katy's web site is mostly a waste of time because it
has next to no sailing content, small crummy pictures
and is rarely updated.

I don't have oodles of time to waste upgrading websites. I work many =
hours and like I've said before, the Internet is a game for me and =
relaxation, not reality.

5) Katy's presence here is a magnet for other lame female
subscribers who also contribute nothing of value.

Bring em on....the more the merrier....Sure wish LP would come back....

6) Katy's signature never changes and is boring as hell.

Really goads you, doesn't it? Can't stand it that Heinlein actually =
wrote such a thing, can you? =20

7) I can't stop thinking about her.

Like I said, if you've got nothing better to do then dwell on =


s/v Chanteuse
Kirie Elite 32

"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax
and get used to the idea." - Robert A. Heinlein