Let's get this license thing straight once and for all:
"Jeff Morris" wrote in message ...
Yes, the thousands of possible questions answers are available. Many of them
are worded similarly. It would be impossible for most people to memorize them
all without learning something. And the rules test does require a rather good
understanding - which is why I wonder if Neal actually took it.
I took it and I bet I beat your scores. (not to mention
those of Shen and otn and RickyTickyTuggy.
Here's mine, can any of you claim the same or higher?
Rules of the Road score 100%
Deck General score 98%
Nav General 100%
Chart Navigation 100%
Master Upgrade 96%
As for CRW, I bet you don't even have a license,
you little weenie!
Further, it's likely you've tried and failed at least
a couple times so instead of studying until you get
it right you resort to lame attempts to belittle the
superior accomplishments of others.
S.Simon - Master Mariner