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Default Let's get this license thing straight once and for all:

Simple Simon wrote:

I took it and I bet I beat your scores. (not to mention
those of Shen and otn and RickyTickyTuggy.


Most of us who have earned, hold, and use unlimited licenses simply do
not know what the scores were. Many REC's don't bother to say anything
other than pass or fail and quite frankly we are not in the industry to
brag about test scores. We know if we missed a question. We have the
knowledge to recognize when we make a mistake. We don't have to wait for
an accounting.

By the time a mariner gets to our level most know what a test means and
what the "score" really is. Only rank amateurs such as yourself need to
post their scores. The rest of us know who and what we are. The trust
and respect of our peers is the only score that matters, and we are
tested for real each time we give an order.

You will never earn such respect or trust because you are not a seafarer
by any measure. You are not even among the growing number of
professional yachties who possess the training and skills to satisfy
international requirements for such employment.

You are a master of the keyboard only, a fraud and a pathetic wannabe.
