Busted big time
Last September I posted the last paragraph under the rest of the story
Last night Larry was busted, what a douch bag. Not even smart enough
to go were there is no extrodition. He scamed locals out of 12 million
cash, and had close to 30 million in life insurance. I knew he wasted
dead, but he might as well be now he going to be in prison the rest of
his life. Larry had the boat slip next to mine for a year or two.
Todays paper:
KEMAH — The King of the Lake didn't go down with his boat. Flamboyant
League City businessman Larry Michael "Mike" Nixon, 54, was arrested
Friday afternoon in Parker County. He was being held on a warrant
alleging fraud.
Known by many as the "King of the Lake" for his posh boats and
extravagant lifestyle, Nixon had been missing since Aug. 27, when his
40-foot speedboat, the Living Extra Fast, collided with a barge near
Redfish Island in Galveston Bay.
Coast Guard crews spent more than a day searching for Nixon with two
helicopters, three boats and an aircraft.
Kemah and Seabrook fire departments assisted in the search, but
Nixon's fate remained a mystery until Parker County deputies and
federal agents knocked on his door.
In early September, a grand jury in West Virginia indicted Nixon on a
fraud charge. That warrant led to Nixon's arrest at a house in the
9000 block of Ellis Road near Weatherford by Parker County Sheriff's
deputies about 3 p.m.
Parker County Sheriff's Office spokesman Lowell Moss said deputies
recovered illegal drugs from the residence. He said he could not yet
disclose the amount or type of drugs recovered.
On Friday afternoon, Nixon was being questioned by Parker County
authorities and the FBI but was not expected to be arraigned until
today. Moss said the Sheriff's Office would seek felony charges for
possession of a controlled substance against Nixon.
Dallas FBI spokeswoman Laurie Bailey confirmed that federal agents
were questioning Nixon at the Parker County jail Friday evening.
Rumors that Nixon had faked his death spread throughout the Clear Lake
area immediately after the Aug. 27 boating accident.
Known as a hard-partying regular at waterside nightclubs, Nixon was
often seen docking his other boat — a 50-plus foot yacht he called the
Living Extra Large — with a bevy of bikini-clad women and a blaring
stereo. He became engaged to Tina Stafford, a Clear Lake dental
hygienist in her 20s, just weeks before he disappeared.
Professionally, Nixon owned Delta Crane Company, which leased large
equipment to contractors. And bad business might have been the impetus
for his sudden disappearance.
In a published report in October, a Minnwest Bank official in
Minnesota said Nixon had defaulted on a $4 million loan shortly before
his disappearance.
The West Virginia fraud charge was connected to a 1994 incident in
which one man has already been convicted in a scheme to lease a crane
he didn't own. But it was Houston private investigator Clark
Dickenscheidt who was instrumental in finding Nixon.
An insurance company that held $14 million in life insurance policies
on Nixon hired Dickenscheidt's company, CDI Investigations.
Dickenscheidt found that other companies held another $6 million of
policies and said there were numerous beneficiaries.
The investigator said that so far, no claims had been made on the
policies. "He was a playboy at the end," said Dickenscheidt. "I think
deep down he was very insecure and heavily depressed."
Dickenscheidt said the accidental death of Nixon's 13-year-old son
about 15 years ago seemed to trigger a decline. "It led to a complete
downturn in his life," Dickenscheidt said.
Dickenscheidt's investigation led to the property in Parker County. "I
had a lead up to Weatherford in October, but didn't consider it a real
hot lead at the time and it got back-burnered," Dickenscheidt said.
But braggadocio led the investigation back to Parker County. "He was
talking up there, from what I understand, and somebody informed on
him," Dickenscheidt said. "We put two and two together and came up
with the address where he was apprehended. The address connected to
people who were close to Nixon."
Dickenscheidt said Minnwest and other banks have provided
documentation on loans made with cranes pledged as collateral.
Kemah Police Marine Division Sgt. Sam Hodges opened a criminal
investigation shortly after the August accident.
Since then, he's pursued the case with an undercover Department of
Public Safety detective, posing sometimes as a bank loan officer.
"We contacted the FBI yesterday and gave them a possible location,"
Hodges said. "There's a lot more to do on this case. We've spent a lot
of time on it and it's not over yet."
My old post:
Read the news on the link above. Larry my next slip neighbor seems to
have pulled off a good one. We all searched that night and many spent
several days trying to find his body. Many were at the crash site
minutes after his boat slammed into the side of the barge. It was
estimated the boat was doing around 70kts.
The rumors are flying furiously around the marina. We all know larry
liked nose candy & XTC, and 19 year old blonds, larry was 50 his boat
was a 45 foot scarab, you should of seen how fast the blondes ran here
to the dock to get his new Z Corvette, they where in new jags of
course. Today I heard Larrys company is missing a meer 28 million
dollars. oooooppppsssss
Ill bet hes gone south. If you read the news story he was alone, but
here at the dock I know diffrent, unless he can drive 2 cars at once.
The FBI has his boat now in Galveston, or whats left of the boat, it
took out 25foot of the side that hit the barge. Dont know what they
expect to find, not like you have to put a brick on the throttles or
Them power boaters are something else. Im kinda ****ed that we felt
sorry for the guy and thought he was dead. My other next slip neighbor
even bought roses to put around his empty slip. But with all the
people that searched for him, finding everybit of the boat, and no
body floating up, or getting caught in a shrimp net its got to be
something fishey.
Just another day on the bay in Texas.
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