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(Thom Stewart) wrote in message ...

I haven't read any of the replies yet, but I want to remind you, if you
have a single prop you have both a left and right handed helm. If your
stern walks left in reserve it will walk right in forward. Remember
there is also a third gear on your gear box (Neutral)

I know Thom, but when you back hard your sorta crocked sideway in the
slip with the bow to port corner and stern to stbd corner. Thats ok
you just put her in netural and use your dock line to align the boat
or you can put a spring line out and drive the stern in, in forward as
you suggest.

From neutral you can pop the stern in either direction, Just slip it
into gear, rev up quickly and back down and into neutral again

I learned and awful lot watching my female crew dock. Pussy footing in
and using stern walk is a pretty successful way to dock

Yeah I love to dock stbd side 2 it's easy as pie due to wheel walk,
But to revup and pop er in forward gear to get my stern to move to
port can be done but I have to have a spring out and full right
rudder. I like the capt Ron type style docking.


Ole Thom