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Default Current or no current

DSK wrote in message ...
Joe wrote:

Do you have a current were you dock?

Not where we are these days, no.

When your docking your boat do you like a little current or not?

Define "a little." Usually a little current isn't a problem, in fact if
you can gauge it right, it can help swing the boat the way you want it. A
current from right on the nose can be very helpful.

I loved one marina I lived in because it had a 3-7 knot current that
ran parellel to the dock. It was great having the current to work
against. Always made arrival and departure smooth as a feather.

Was this on the river? Usually tides go the other way for at least part of
the time

Not a river, it was a flood control canal that leads from Clear Lake
to Galveston bay. And your right, it would change directions daily.

Only bad point was marine life grew on the hull faster and we were
affected by wakes more often.

I didn't realize that moving water encouraged marine growth.

Well I did not think so either, but it does. Mostly filter feeders
like barnicles.

Here in the marina I'm at now we have still water and its 2 tight left
into the slip. Windage is a bitch, and I have a left hand wheel and
dock bow in
port side to always throwing the stern away from the docking side
while backing, and I usually have to back some because of the speed
needed to make it in the slip without being blown down. If I stay here
much longer Im going to have to get a right hand wheel.

Or a bow thruster.

Stern thruster you mean? Bows Ok every time, just backing down make
the stern kick out from the dock.

I had a big ungainly racing sloop for a while that we brought in to the
dock with a dinghy & outboard lashed alongside. We also sailed it up to
the dock but there were some times when that was not a viable option.

Getting into the slip not a problem, I just hate fiddleing around.
Witha right hand wheel I could just backdown kick over to the dock and
drop the lines. Not a biggy just for convience I wish I had a RH


Fresh Breezes- Doug King