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"Joe" wrote in message

That would be OK if I did not ram the dock. Guess you have to see
were I dock, wind is funneled between the building that hols the cigar
boats up in slings. So on most spring and summer days we have 10-15
kts wind blowing thru. Hits me broadside going into the slip. The slip
is 45 foot and the boat is 42. My boats a ketch with a 55ft main mast
and a 40 ft mizzen mast so I have lots of windage
to deal with. If I could just coast in and easily stop it would not be
as much an issue.

Jeeeeze. I had assumed that you had a motor boat.

Your boat has a keel, fer cripes sake! It may have windage, but the keel
will resist the windage.

I often see clumsy oafs, like you, in our marina. They engage full
forward, and then full reverse. They seem to have no feel for the boat's
handling at all.

As it happens, I have a berth that might be similiar to your's. I'm at the
end of the fairway, and the prevailing wind blows my bow off. I never have
any problem at all, because I take it slowly. I used to have a power boat,
and in those days I had to worry about the things that you describe.

Now, we put the engine into neutral about 100 yards from the slip, and just
glide in. The engine is rarely used at all after that, apart from the final
burst astern.

When my younger son was only 9 years old he was able to do it to perfection.
Maybe you should get some lessons???

Really, Joe, you are an embarrassement to real sailors. You are trying to
park your boat as if it was a big powerboat.

