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Default Current or no current

DSK wrote in message

Is your trawler a single or double screw?

Single. I prefer the fuel economy & lower maintenance, plus there's a lot more room down in the
engine room.

Thats ok unless you lose one engine.

And of-course twins manuver 400 times better.

We don't *need* a bow thruster, but if we had one, we would have a wider range of possibilities
with regard to getting in & out of slips and other tight spaces. Right now, I spend some time
looking over the upcoming maneuver carefully, and if it looks too tight (ie a 50% chance or
greater of smacking into a really nice expensive boat) then we turn around and go back to the

Not me I like to crowd the really expensive yachts and watch the
blow there tops. If its a stbd side to docking, I have no fear. I like
to do the Capt Ron style landing, my brit boat had a stbd side helm
which makes it easy for me to single hand land her and tie her up if
needed . BTW Capt Rons Boat is a local boat here.



I had one embarassing moment, when I was turning the boat around in a relatively tight basin,
to come alongside the end of a dock to pick up friends. There was a big expensive yacht
alongside the opposide wall, and a nice lady on board with a British accent watching us
nervously. I figured the wind would blow us away from this big expensive yacht, since it was
from that direction, and to keep from getting hung up on the dock head, I favored the yacht
side a little too much.... there was a swirl of wind that almost pulled us right against that
yacht's gleaming topsides. But we weren't quite into the point of no return, I managed to pick
up our friends with no scrapes or thuds.

Fresh Breezes- Doug King