Thread: Cost of Living
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Scott Vernon
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Default Cost of Living

my house trailer is paid for (no pool).
my 4 pick ups are paid for
my 30' yacht is paid for
sold the Marathon Keys timeshare
my BMW is paid for
my Peterbilt is paid for

Scotty, a rare bird indeed

"JAXAshby" wrote in message
*if* the below is true, you are a rare bird among Americans, who have

spent the
last 20 years borrowing and spending and borrowing and spending. I know

than one person who now owe more than 3x what they paid for their house

back in
the 90's or 5x what they paid in the 80's.

either that or you are do a cash business are and trying to hide income

the IRS.

My four bedroom home with pool - paid for.
My riverfront getaway - paid for.
My oceanfront timeshare in the Florida Keys - paid for.
My 30 ft sloop - older, but paid for.
My pickup truck - paid for.
My coupe - paid for.
My wife's sedan - paid for.

Who cares about you or your crap. Mine is better.