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Doug Dotson
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Default decent affordable radios for use on inland lake

Actually, for those folks the license is pretty easy to get since they are a
bonifide marine business that is easy to prove. Beyond that it gets
pretty difficult.

s/v CAllista

"Vito" wrote in message
"Bruce in Alaska" wrote in message
In article ,
"Vito" wrote:

My first suggestion would
be a pair of VHF Marine radios, with a 5/8 wave antenna at the cabin

as you can get it.

Bzzzzzt Wrong suggestion. Installing a Marine Radio on shore requires

FCC Coast Station License, which are very hard to get,.....

Gee, I didn't know that. Every marina, gas station and boat house I've

has an antenna on it so I ASSumed it was as easy as putting a rig in your
boat. Silly me .... (c: