Soooooooooo BUSTED!!!!
The sad thing is how some members of this group vilified others for
their questioning of the WMD "facts" presented by the US admin.
Bobsprit wrote:
Look at how Bush is trying to lie his way clear of the facts! Now Bush is
claiming he'll set up a panel to probe the US Intelligence failure after he
"learned" that there are no WMD!
Fact! Now WMD in Iraq. Did everyone forget the reports that were shown on TV
about this when Bush was marketing his war?
Now he and his supporters are still pushing the war, but the FACT is that the
war was made based on lies. And what of the people who said 100% that there
were weapons of WMD? 100% 100% 100%
NO WMD and a war made on lies, lies and more lies. Note that Bush is launching
the probe into the US Intelligence AFTER the election!
What a total liar and monster! He's not as bad as Saddam, but he's in his
league. And STILL US Troops are dying for NOTHING.
NO WMD...Eat CROW if you were one of those losers who was soooo certain! You
were wrong, but don't kid yourself. Bush wasn't wrong. He knew all along of
Capt RB