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Joe wrote:
Not so Doug. If you had 2 engines you would have twice the experience
maintaining that type of engine. You would be twice the mechanic.

I'm twice the mechanic now. By your theory, if I had twins, I'd be

IMHO the idea of a "get-home" engine is simply marketing to insecurity & ignorance. It is only extra
weight, extra drag, extra expense, extra gear crammed into the machinery space... and extra
maintenance made more difficult by poor access.

I somewhat agree with you, a good detroit 4 71N is hard to kill and
very reliable. But myself, I would not buy a trawler with just one

I wouldn't buy one with a single Detroit, either... but single versus
twin is a matter or preference & priorities. There certainly are
advantages to twin power, and there are some advantages to single.

...Perhaps a motor sailing vessel is
best all the way around huh?

We didn't pick a motor sailer for a couple of reasons. One is draft.
Another is bridge clearance. The rigging & sails are expensive and take
maintenance, and there are few that I like the looks of. The old
classics are the best IMHO but they are all wood... been there done that.

Do you have flanking rudders on your boat?

No, single conventional centerline rudder. It's a 1984 and was a bit
reactionary for back then. It woould be interesting to study putting in
flanking rudders. I understand they improve stright line efficiency too.

BTW There is a sweet Bruce Robert 50 foot Trawler here in the marina
selling for 55K. Steel hull and a 6-71TI detroit and Isuzu 12K gen
set. The owner is a airframe inspector and has kept the inside of the
hull as clean as the airframe on a flying 747. Wish I had the extra
cash to support two boats for a while.
He's the one with the fuel polishing system.

Oh boy! Steel hull _AND_ a Detroit... oh well it's a good thing
everybody has different tastes, eh?

I am rebuilding our fuel system and considering putting in a polishing
system. It'll go in at some point, not sure if now is the time. I am
also considering putting in some additional bladder tanks in unused hull
space. More range = good!

Fresh Breezes- Doug King