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Jonathan Ganz
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Default John Kerry & the Bitch

No. Of course not. However, there's a big difference between
getting a blow job and screwing a couple of nations. Was that

"Michael" wrote in message
Translation: "But What ABOUT the REEEEpublicans?

Who cares? They are just politicians like the Democrats ergo not 'worthy'
people. Citing evil is not an excuse for evil. Sniveling is not a valid
point of discussion. And using your own negatives to describe someone else
is sort of silly don't you agree?

OK took a while but I understand the point . . .finally.

Soo. .. you excuse the misdeeds of your guy by citing the misdeeds of
someone else's guy?

Try harder, I expected better.


"Jonathan Ganz" wrote in message
Not that well... morals... hmmm... like Bush's daughters getting busted.
Or, Gingrich telling his wife in the hospital that he's dumping her? Or,
maybe it's Rush's multiple marriages. Or, possibly Hatch releasing
classified information when he wasn't supposed to. Or, Ashcrap

himself with oil when he was picked to be AG (well, that's not amoral,
just bizarre). Or, Henry Hyde's mistress. Oh, I know what you mean...
Bill and Hillary actually raising an intelligent, thoughful daughter

the political fishbowl.

"Michael" wrote in message
The most amusing part is a Democrat being silly enough to comment on
military service at all. Next thing you know they'll be talking

values, and standards. Bwa Ha Ha HA Ha . . . .. (damn this filling in

Neal is HARD!) How'd I do?

"SAIL LOCO" wrote in message
The most amusing part about the Bush military issue is that he

to show up for his physical.

You don't know this. Everything I have seen or read up intill LAST

states they are still looking for the records.
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"No shirt, no skirt, full service"