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Default civil rights history quiz

Racism is racism is racism. It matters not what direction or what
circumstance. I see no difference between those who would put a person in
school based on their being 'the right color' than one who would keep a
person out based on their being 'the wrong color'. It's just another case
of supporting a pesonal definition 'lesser evil' and is, therefore, simply a
case of perpetuating evil. I find the government forms in this regard to be
highly offensive and patently racist. Why is one group marked by their area
of geographical origin, regardless of color of skin. Whle another is
denoted by their ethnic background and yet another by color alone? The only
'right' thing to do in the US today is check the block marked "Decline To
Answer." Anything else is just racism and those who perpetuate it 'in any
form' can cross the room and join Neal's Group. That's where you truly


"John Cairns" wrote in message
And, you should have mentioned, being the kid of an alumni is taken into
consideration even at colleges like UofM. Things being what they are, most
of the alumni are white folks.
John Cairns
"DSK" wrote in message
Dave wrote:

Maybe the fact that my kid didn't get extra points tacked on to her

applications because of the color of her skin?

Maybe your kid should have applied to one of those snooty schools that

does not
allow minorities... you *are* rich enough to afford one, right?

I'm lucky--my kid didn't need the extra points. But there are a hell

lot of others who have good reason to be ****ed at systems like the

maintained by most colleges and universities either explicitly or by a

and a nod both before and after the U of M decision.

Let's put it this way... it would be nice if the system could be

However it would not be nice if some kids had zero chance of getting

college, no matter how smart they are or how hard they study, because of

race, religion, or socio-economic background. And that has been the case

too often.

Why should you be PO'd at minorities & affirmative action, your kid

as easily have been crowded out by a Bush or Cheney offspring... being

affable, and well connected trumps everything else... no matter how dumb

person is.