Race Riot In Sydney
OzOne wrote in message ...
On Thu, 19 Feb 2004 11:45:19 -0000, "Donal"
scribbled thusly:
I don't understand how a bunch of white convicts manage to turn a bunch
black law abiders into criminals in a coulple of generations.
Let's face it. The Aboriginies weren't drug taking thieves before the
white convicts arrived, were they?
The reality is that the Aboriginies were a proud people, who were self
sustaining. After a few generations, they have been turned into
By comparison, native North Americans have been treated brilliantley.
Jesus Donal!
Are you vying for the Horvath Prize for history or something?
Correction accepted!
Was the rest of my post not absolutely correct? Is it not true that the
Aborigines were turned into an alcoholic, drug abusing, unemployed
underclass by the white man? Is it really fair for the white man to punish
the Aboriginie for the result of the white man's actions?
What is the difference between GW Bush's attitude towards Iraqis, and white
Australian attitudes towards the Aboriginie. In both cases, a powerful,
and technologically superior, foreigner thinks that he has the right, and
ability, to venture into foreign lands and "make things better". In both
cases, the foreigner's arrogance was misplaced.