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Default When some one sends you for . . .


"Michael" wrote in message
Something that obviously doesn't exist just waste the day looking and

back with a request for a signed Form One Dee One Zero Tee. But stress

it has to be signed.

Now here's a list of the usual things you might be sent for, or to do, or

find. Add yours to the list.

Speaking of which did you know Airborne Express has a new division called
Seaborne Express? Some smart cookie in their management structure
determined the old Mail Buoy system (out of use since the advent of email)
still had a purpose. Because of course you can't email packages! So with

little maintenance and repair the venerable system is hard at work again.
Good news is there is still some stock available and you can get it at an
attractive price under the NY Stock Exchange Code of (capitals only)
Seaborne EXpress. Sign up using the form I mentioned above.

No S__T it really happens that way!

