Thread: The real story
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Default The real story

Now that's funny!

Bobsprit wrote:
For the last time, AOL has not sent me any TOS warnings.

What really happened is some loser went and copied some of my most
notorious posts, some of the pics, some of the slurs about Suzanne
and sent them all to her, hard copied.

Suzanne was hysterical and sobbing uncontrollably. She went to spent
almost a week with her mom. It almost cost me my marriage. Suzanne
and her parents followed my posts in the newsgroup, almost 50,000 of
them over the years. Needless to say, her parents aren't talking to
me, even worse they cut off the monthly check.

Suzanne demands I seek counseling and limits my time on the internet.

Thank you to the jerk who has done my marriage in. I can only hope
that worse happens to you, as you deserve it. For what you've done to
my personal life, there is no retribution good enough.

That's what happened and now all of you can live with the