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Default Your "WORST" Almost Boat....?

Scott Vernon wrote:

I would have felt it was a reflection more on the owners ability, rather
than the boats.

We sailed our Hunter in 35 knot winds at least a dozen times. Apparently some
are better than others... either the boats or the sailors, take yer pick.

BTW, I've sailed into docks many times and talked to 'sailors' who were
waiting for the wind to 'calm down a bit'.

We sailed in to the public park at Ocracoke on a windy day, there were a few 35
foot crab crushers there waiting for better weather. One of the ladies on
another big boat said in pitying tones to my wife, "You poor thing! Did he tell
you it was going to *fun*?!?" She replied, "It was!"

Fresh Breezes- Doug King