Your "WORST" Almost Boat....?
Peter Wiley wrote:
Nah, not upset at all. Just the memory of buying a Cal zinfandel still
hasn't faded sufficiently. Fortunately some of the cheaper Cal reds
were quite drinkable. I have no pretensions of 'palate' when it comes
to wine, BTW. One of the nice things about living in Australia is just
how many different boutique wineries there are about and how many
different, very drinkable wines you can buy for less than $AUD 10 a
bottle. Oz of course is in a much higher price bracket when buying
Not being a fan of zinfandels in general I can't directly comment. I do
however 'religiously' avoid California wines period. I live right next to
the Niagra Valley, home to some very fine wineries. Don't get me wrong I
do drink wines from other countries, I have had some very nice Sherazzes (sp?)
from Oz. I drink a fair bit of stuff from Eur., mostly Pinot Noirs, Cab-sav,
I must admit an inordinate like of Chardonays, non-oaked of course.