This new guy said: one of the brokers I spoke=20
with last week bragged that the owner of that boat had only taken the=20
boat out some 10-12 times in the past ten years.
Number 1, stop listening to brokers. There are only a very few honest =
brokers out there...the rest are tantamount to used car salesmen ir =
Kirby vacuum cleaner salesmen. Number 2, who cares how often the boat =
was taken out per year? The important thing is: as the boat well =
maintained and will it go through a sound survey? Number 3, stop =
looking at sailboats as investments. For the average sailor, they are a =
hobby...something nice and fun to do when you're not working or putting =
a new roof on your house. When you do get a boat, sail it as much as =
you personally can, and then when you move up or away or whatever, hope =
that the new owner finds as much enjoyment and pleasure in it as you =
did. =20
s/v Chanteuse
Kirie Elite 32
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax
and get used to the idea." - Robert A. Heinlein