RDF, an explanation
JAXAshby wrote:
over the nee, I have been trying very hard to give YOU a chance to explain how
RDF works, and so far you can't google up even a simple explanantion.
G Unlike you Jax, I know, but I'm waiting for YOU to come up with one
of your stupid explanations, cause it's obvious YOU don't know how to
use it. bet you think we only used one station ( you're stupid
statements confirm this)
Or, maybe you have, and you don't want to admit that as of 8 hours ago you
didn't have a clew.
ahhhh, joony, I see you too are too dumb to be able to google up enough
info to
back up your claim that you have been knowledgeable about RDF for years and
ROFLMAO .... and we all see YOU are too dumb to google up enough info to
explain how it works so you keep asking, trying to get someone to
explain it to you .... what a dockside dipsquat....