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Jim Cate
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Default 30 to 35-foot boats, days used?

This old guy wrote:

katysails wrote:
This new guy said: one of the brokers I spoke

with last week bragged that the owner of that boat had only taken the
boat out some 10-12 times in the past ten years.

Number 1, stop listening to brokers. There are only a very few honest brokers out there...the rest are tantamount to used car salesmen ir Kirby vacuum cleaner salesmen. Number 2, who cares how often the boat was taken out per year? The important thing is: as the boat well maintained and will it go through a sound survey? Number 3, stop looking at sailboats as investments. For the average sailor, they are a hobby...something nice and fun to do when you're not working or putting a new roof on your hou

se. When you do get a boat, sail it as much as you personally can, and then when you move up or away or whatever, hope that the new owner finds as much enjoyment and pleasure in it as you did.

Hey old guy. - Do you know the meaning of the term: "for example"? My
observation that the boats in our area are seldom taken sailed was based
on discussions with various boat owners and from observations of the
small number of boats that are sailing in the bay here, even on weekends
and in good weather, compared with the thousands of boats sitting in
their slips. The reference to the discussion with this particular broker
was intended only as an example of what I was talking about.

The point is that if nearly all owners of such boats find that they
don't continue to sail their boats as often as they thought when they
bought them, and if, in fact, they are only able to get out very
infrequently, perhaps I should take this into consider as ONE FACTOR,
among OTHERS, when looking at boats.

Like, how often have you had your boat out in the last six months old
