RDF for newbies and NN of KN
see, even ricky tuggs -- who in the past has claimed to be an ag pilot, an
airline pilot, a construction crew foreman, a ten year liveaboard in Mexico,
ALL before he was 35 -- who these days claims to a working master seaman as in
a decision maker on ocean going vessels is not able to explain radio compasses,
curious if obsolete technology, nor knows how to get 2* accuracy output from
plus or minus 20* input.
The Carrolls wrote:
Look sonny, I got out of study hall a few years ago. While I was there I
learned a bit about those who know little and try to confuse us with B.S.
You my friend meet all the criteria, as young as you may be. If you had
years and wisdom, you would offer substance rather than wisecracks, but are
unable to carry coherent argument with out resorting to said cracks. You
a minor pest and should be gone.
The truth is that Jax is not a young fool, he is an adult idiot. He has
years that have brought him not wisdom but only the disturbances you
reflected in his incoherent rants and bizarre essays.
Jax's latest revival will probably be a short lived, if extravagant,
display of the course of a mental illness that drugs no longer control.
We might hasten his demise if, rather than respond to his posts, we only
post - about - him. Without a "straight man" (no pun intended) Jax is
less than a minor pest and will soon implode.