Thread: Hey, Bart!
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Default Hey, Bart!

"Donal" wrote in message ...
"Joe" wrote in message
"Donal" wrote in message

Name this tune!

Da, da daa da, daaa daaaa
Da, da daa da, daaa daaaa,
Da, da daa da, daaa -aaaa
Da, da daa da, daaa daaaa.

Physic royal yacht master hymn in D-
or the thyme to the dick van dyke show.

What words of wisdom? -- from the great sage!!!

Thank you Oh Grand Pobah of the Royal Physic Yachtmaster.

I'm sure with your physic ability you can tell without any external
imput that I knew it wasen't the thyme to the Dick Van Dyke show.

And you also must be aware that I'm sorry for letting on to others
the secret hymn of the brotherhood of Royal Physic Yachtmasters.

Be careful do not describe the secret handshake online.

BTW - wrong on both counts.

Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe?

Did you spot the pun?

It is better to know nothing than to know what ain't so.



