Thread: Hey, Bart!
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Default Hey, Bart!

"Donal" scribbled thusly:
In fact, I've come to the conclusion that modern men, who do housework and
cooking, cannot keep a woman happy. Women are only truly happy when they
have something to moan about. That's why the divorce rates are rising so

Ozzzzzzy wrote:
My goodness, what a distorted view of life.

Possibly, yes. He overlooks that fact that some men are truly happy only
when they are complaining about something. And the fact that not all
women are the same (thank goodness).

Women are happy when they have security, love and consideration.
They are most happy when they know that you realise just how lucky you
are to have them.

The mentally healthy ones, yes.

They are ecstatic when they have a gold Amex card and a positive
balance and are in some foreign land where they can buy something
"different" and it won't cost too much for freight home.
You should see the doors she "found" in Santa Fe (shakes head)

Ah well, you indulge her. My wife isn't really much interested in
shopping... she has "only" 8 or 9 pairs of shoes...

Doug King