Handguns and sailing
Sailors are known for planning ahead. If you
plan ahead enough to bring a gun, it seems
likely that you would be smart enough to
practice and be prepared to use it.
There are new types of ammunition that will
not penetrate a hull and would be suitable
for defense on a boat, and/or for signal use.
More than a few stories tell how sailors
fired a couple shots and scared off pirates.
If you run out on deck waving a gun, without any
sort of a plan, you will probably get killed
If you are a sheepeople, don't bring a gun. If
you are leader, that is capable and responsible,
perhaps you might want to consider firearms
as a means to protect your loved ones.
Bart Senior
none wrote
the temptation to flame is too great...however,i am serious when i ask, Do
you know you could get the first shot off without hestation?
I am no prude and own guns but i am torn when it comes to carrying them in
foreign waters. The stats indicate that armed people are far more likely
to get hurt or killed by ther own weapons. We don't practice firing from
the hip on from instinct evry day..and fear is the worst situation under
which to learn and practice using your weapon. you can't learn to be a
killer in an instant.
dunno...just saying. and inspite of all the macho guys that "_say_" they
could kill to defend themslves in a heartbeat: in WWII only one in three
soldiers fired their weapons in battle! and these were guys that wee
being shot at! what do you think that number would be in a situation that
starts out slowly and progresses to the point where you have to be less
civilized than the guy holding you up? 1 in 100 maybe. Remeber as
well...you don;t gey a chance to say "just a minute...i have to go get my
gun from the cupboard". you have to be packing overtly and in that case
the guy with nothing to loose is the clear winner.
I am not being argumentative... i would really like to know. becaue i
don't think i could do it in spite of my ego saying "i could".
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 06:18:31 GMT, TF wrote:
I'm looking for some cross-jurisdiction references relating to
regulations/laws for carrying firearms on a boat across coastal state US
lines. Any links etc would be appreciated.