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Default Handguns and sailing

On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 08:01:21 -0500, Martin Baxter wrote:

JAXAshby wrote:

that's a start. that site doesn't mention protection from wildlife,
but the
canadian site does. I just didn't spend any time looking for it.

Reading comprehension problems again? I wrote "you", we have a strict
policy against
allowing sociopaths to enter the country, armed or not.


I 'guess' i can see the logic of 'packing' in the US where many other
packer's are and where you are 100:1 more likley to be gunned down cf
Canada...But the argument wears mighty thin regarding packing in Canada
where you have to try hard to find a reason to do so ....drug smokin
hippies, shady cops, mean animals, commie *******s.. other
'un-enlightened' Americans...which one gives you such concern that you
would try to kill them?

The right to bear arms [and risk a sunburn] applies only to certain states
with those United States and has no pluck anywhere else in the world. Just
don't visit Canada if you feel the need to have a person killing m,achine
on your person. The cops are SO antigun here that a 911 call metioning
the word GUN will brign the wrath of god on the perps...whereas pulling a
pistol from a a shaky hand will get you beat to death.