I was a Mac26X owner
Jonathan Ganz wrote:
Yup. Now MacBoy has an unbiased opinion of a Mac ower turned
Hunter owner, who is definitely moving in the right direction.
So now MacBoy can *immediately* go sailing out on the ocean in
40kts wind. We'll all be waiting for your return... NOT.
I'm assuming that he was referring to the 26M model (the new boat?),
although it's not completely clear. As I understand the note, Ed didn't
actually sail the "new boat." So it's not really a very comprehensive
report, is it Johnathan?
By contrast, I happened to have had an extended discussion of the 26M
with an owner yesterday WHO HAD SAILED THE BOAT, under high wind and low
wind conditions. He was very pleased with its handling, and in contrast
with Ed, he thought the looks and interior of the boat were spectacular,
particularly for a boat in this price range. One thing I notice from
comments posted on the Mac discussion groups is that owners of the new
model like the new boat, whereas owners of the previous (26X) model
defend their own boats and pick fault with the new model, despite the
fact that few of them have ever sailed one. And since there are many
more owners of the 26X than owners of the 26M, the X owners are