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Jeff Morris
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Default Question: Judging High Tide by the Moon

"Navigator" wrote in message

Wally wrote:
Navigator wrote:

What location has moon rise and set 12 hours apart?

Virtually anywhere, I'd guess - just had a look at moon rise and set for
some random locations (Glasgow, Jerusalem and Canberra), for today, and
they're all a shade over 12 hours apart. If rise/set are close to due
east/west, then the time for the moon to traverse the sky will be about 12
hours - think about the solar equinoxes, where the sun rises/sets due
east/west. I dare say this princple won't hold at extreme latitudes. The
moon passes the due east/west points twice in its mo(o)nthly cycle.

The devil _is_ in the detail and is it ever 12 hours????

Why not? What's the problem? Or are you making the sophomoric argument that
its very unlikely to be "precisely" 12 hours? It certainly isn't hard to find
places and times where its within a couple of minutes. Certain latitudes are
more favorable than others for this situation to exist, but there's nothing the
precludes it.

Have a go with: select "Data Services" and then "Table of
sunrise/sunset ..."