Thread: Checking In
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Default Checking In

"What a disappointment today. Some months of waiting, travel half way round
the world, finally get off this bucket and take a taxi to Barnes and Noble .
... . AH HAH! Lats and Atts is in stock. Then I realized it wasn't the
May/June issue but the June issue. Aforementioned article is 'last months'
mag. Drat! Dag nab it! Lucky my friends in various places bought copies
for me while I was gone........sorry 'bout the misleading statement.

Hi Katy! Hi Doug! Hi Thom! Hi Joe! Donal! Oz! Haggie! Pony's! Scotty!,
Mooron! Flying Tadpole! and all you old time posters! What do you all have
in common? Mr. Borland's CC Mail system will allow none of your email
addresses to work. But I did try . . . .

Sheesh! Catch me up, whats been happening? Anyone going to Harborfest in
Norfolk next weekend?

Nice to be back . .

just plain Michael now . . . . .