Thread: Checking In
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Default Checking In

Seemed like it some days. Swung on the hook for seven weeks in Diego G.
awaiting a back haul. Life on a tropical atoll seems great . . until it
includes 90 hour work weeks. But the paycheck looked great! Not as bad as
the MSC unrep ships though. That is real institutionalized living. Funny
thing on the last of those I sailed on, the "Shasta" we took aboard frozen
stores one day and included were boxes of meat originally consigned to the
California Penal System and overstamped "Rejected."


"JAXAshby" wrote in message
"What a disappointment today. Some months of waiting, travel half way

the world, finally get off this bucket and take a taxi to Barnes and

Noble .
.. . AH HAH! Lats and Atts is in stock.

not many people get excited reading about scooter trash.

done some prison time, have ya dude?