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Default Saved by Tropical wave #1

DSK wrote in message . ..
Joe wrote:
The trawler was re-floated due to the fact a tropical wave hitshore
just east of here and brought a surge. Enough to float him off and get
him back here.

Shucks, from the way you were talking I'd have thought he would have had
to rent a back-hoe to drive out there at low tide and dig him a new
channel. How high was this surge?

4.5 feet

His engine will need re-building due to water coming up the exhaust
and onto the clyinders he thinks.All he has is a flapper valve
external on his exhaust and I dont know how high above the water line
his exhast is piped.

If he hasn't let the water sit there, it might not be that bad a problem.

I agree, and if he did not bend a connecting rod or crank.

... Luckly at 01:30 it was dead calm here in the
marina and we were able to walk his boat back into its slip by hand.

Do you think he learned anything?

From what you've said, probably not. He sounds like one of those people
whose purpose in life is to serve as a warning to the rest of us.

We shall see. He was awlful humble last night.