On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 20:49:18 -0500, Gene Kearns
Many (if not most) of these OT posts are made by non-boaters. They
may *own* a boat, but their boating is never discussed here. One of
the more arrogant of these idiots admitted he came here only as a
vandal and not to discuss boating. He freely admitted that when he
wished to discuss boating he went elsewhere. When he wanted to engage
in mischief, this is where he came.
That got me to thinking. I wonder if there is not a movement afoot
among some (consciously, or not) to attempt to disable rec.boats. I
have no real answer for that, but it strengthens my resolve to ignore
these posts and forge on with what we should be discussing here. In
Agent, I just hit the round circle with a diagonal bar through it...
thread is ignored. Whatever you use for a newsreader, I encourage you
to learn about and use its capabilities to ignore inappropriate
threads. In some instances, killfilling a poster may be appropriate,
if they have never made a boating related post... and there are some
of those out there posting, now.
At any rate, again, the signal to noise ratio has reached the point
where we are losing posters. I'm betting that if we forced the noise
back down to a whisper, the vandals would slink back to their
respective rocks, crawl under, and be quiet.
Think about it, the decision is yours.
Gene, you made my day.
When I first posted my "whine" about OT, I got good email support from
casual visitors, but only one "reg". I backed off. If I couldn't get
the support from regs, then the vote probably wouldn't do well.
This newsgroup can be changed. An FAQ can be adopted. A sister
"discussion" group for OT can be created. But it is ALL subject to
being supported, defended, and voted on by the people who frequent
here. Support for the change will have to be more than "casual" to be
In the 5 or so years that I have been around here, there has been a
definite decline in the number of on-topic posts, and posters.
We deserve better. The group deserves better. It is my opinipon that
the level of OT posting is now inviting outside trolls to pump up the
OT. I have been told that "this is the way it is". That rec.boats is
an open forum, like the lounge at the yacht club. I may be alone in
my opinion, but I don't buy it, and I don't like it. I have
participated in OT threads, but I would rather do it elsewhere. There
is a reason that there are over 40,000 newsgroups. Each one, believe
it or not, has a "topic".

If anyone would like to see rec.boats returned to "boating", then say
so. Those of us who might be willing to go through the crap of Usenet
procedure will need your support to make it worthwhile.
Safe, and happy boating,
To email me, remove the "OT-" from wrecked.ot-boats.noah.
....as you were.
