Good news for America is bad news for the Democrats
New Republic today has a three-person byline story:
John B. Judis, Spencer Ackerman & Massoud Ansari.
The title of this piece is July Surprise.
"Late last month, President Bush lost his greatest advantage
in his bid for reelection. A poll conducted by ABC News...
discovered that challenger John Kerry was running even
with the president on the critical question of whom voters
trust to handle the war on terrorism.... This spring, the
administration significantly increased its pressure on Pakistan
to kill or capture Osama bin Laden, his deputy, Ayman Al
Zawahiri, or the Taliban's Mullah Mohammed Omar, all of
whom are believed to be hiding in the lawless tribal areas of
So the latest liberal conspiracy is that the White House is
pressuring Pakistan to deliver bin Laden during the Democrat
Here is proof the liberals are afraid that bin Laden will be
captured! They don't want him captures. It is their big
fear that he will be capured before the election. So they are
doing damage control in advance, just in case!
It is always the case: Good news for America is bad news
for the Democrats