It's called the Cycle Of Repression. Again I reference Carlos Marighella, a
Brasilian and the Tupamaro rebellion in Uruguay.
In 1979 we had the Washington DC Police, the White HousePolice, the BIA
police andthe Panama Canal Zone Police. Care to guess how many federal
police agencies exist today?
But if you don't want to look it up just wait for circumstances to teach you
a well deserved lesson.
The entire USA should be afraid if they ever capture Bin Laden.....
I got into an arguement one morning when in the 5th grade. We decided to
fight afterschool. I was confident I'd win. But at lunch my opponant
that he was bigger and a year older and at recess that he was taller with
longer reach. My confidence evaporated but I went to the appointed place
where half the school had congregated. After a long wait, another kid
brought a message: Joe's mother had picked him up unexpectedly so I'd have
to wait til tomarrow for my beating. I worried all night.
Next day brought more of the same. How much did I weigh? He was 10 pounds
heavier. How many chin-ups could I do? He could do more. Pushups? Same
answer. By days end I was terrified, but went to take my whupping like a
man. I was spared. Seems he's had to rush right home for martial arts
lessons on Wednesdays but would take care of me tomarrow. Oh jeeze, not
another day of fearing that beating ....
The truth finally dawned walking home - that kid was never going to show
He didn't have to! I'd let fear hurt me far more than he ever could.
Next day I told gossips that I was so scared I planned to sneak home
then I went by, caught him bragging about scaring me off, and whupped his
ass so bad his mama had the principal lecture me on the evil of violence.
The lecture didn't take (I've been a student of creative violence ever
since) but the kid's lesson did and thanks to him I was never afraid
In fact, I cannot understand people who are. The country is letting itself
get BS'd just like I had as a child. What can Al Quida do that's worse
we are not already doing to ourselves out of fear? Kill a few of us?
1000s of our forefathers died to protect the freedoms we're so eager to
throw away just to feel safe. What will they say of us? Shameful cowards
who borrowed $trillions for them to pay interest on and accepted Stalinist
slavery just to feel safe? Shame on us!!