Good news for America is bad news for the Democrats
FamilySailor wrote:
Bush has 10,000 people looking for Bin Laden (one man) and you still want
more!!! Wow, you are pretty hard to please I would say.
I know you said they are also keeping Afghanistan stable, but they are
looking for ole Bin too.
I see, the Army has it's troops multitasking now?
Most of the Army's approx 11,500 men in Afghanistan are assigned to keep
the Karzai gov't stable & in power; training the new Afghan national
army. Exactly how many are hunting for Osama Bin Laden is not clear
(funny how the Army likes to obfuscate these things) but it's probably
not more than 1500 and definitely not more than 3,000... that would be
over 25% of deployed strength.
An argument could be made that it is a job for the most elite units, not
mass numbers, but would more troops decrease the odds???
If Bush & Cheney had not gone on their little spree in Iraq, for reasons
they cannot seem to explain, there would be plenty of troops to hunt
OBL. As it is, we have to rely on Pakistan to do it. And you know they
are one of our biggest friends, right?!?
Sometimes the "logic" of you Bush/Cheney fans is really amazing.