Dave wrote:
Doug, that chestnut's been kicking around for 23 years and will probably be
kicking around for another 20 among the conspiracy theorists of the left.
That's funny... lightly dismiss it as "conspiracy theory of the left"
and then you don't have to face the truth.
... No
doubt in your circles it's regarded as gospel.
Not entirely. Most of my friends have a high regard for Reagan as
President; not tremendously distant from my view BTW.
... Nevertheless the best your
quoted source could say is "there is some evidence."
That's just one source which I picked because it was from Iran.
Different perspective. I have no idea what the politics of the writer of
that web essay are.
... Not exactly a ringing
solid conclusion.
Maybe if Reagan himself appeared to you in a vision and confirmed it,
you'd believe it? Maybe not.
In any event, you can believe in the Tooth Fairy and the purity and
innocence of your anointed politicians. It's easier than trying to
figure things out.
... In my business "some evidence" may get you to the jury but
it usually doesn't get you a verdict. Far less than "clear and convincing
evidence," or even the "preponderance of the evidence," let alone "beyond a
reasonable doubt."
In my business, I have to cope with a variety of problems, none of which
can be dismissed as conspiracy theory or leftist rhetoric. Precision
machinery does not respond to flattery and it doesn't care what your
theories are. It's either right or it's not. To troubleshoot complex
systems requires careful observation and consistent adherence to
principles. Nobody cares whether a given theory is "proven" as long as
the machine works properly in the end.
Frankly, I don't give a rat's hindpart what you believe. I never said I
could prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that Reagan negotiated with
Iran to keep the hostages; I said it was consistent with everything else
I've observed. It fits, in other words. No hammer required... although
it might help in your case