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Default Good news for America is bad news for the Democrats -OT

On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 12:26:40 -0700, Joe wrote:

Election day comes and the Gipper is elected.

Regans call to Ayatolla Komanie: Listen here you *^#$!% rag head, you cut
em lose today or Im going to send in the 1 calvery backed by a dozen B-52
and a couple 100 tomahawk missles. I guarrenty Im going to make sure we
kill you after we kill 100 of your followers for every hostage that even
has a scratch on a finger, do you understand you flea infested camel

Next day the hostages were set free.

A couple of problems with your take, the hostages were not set free the
next day, the hostages were set free 15 minutes after Reagan was
inaugurated. Just when was this call supposed to be made? Secondly, the
arms shipments began a few weeks later. Why would we reward a country
that had just held 52 hostages 444 days?

Reagan knew how to make a deal IMO :0)

Yeah, right, Reagan (more likely Casey) knew how to make a deal alright,
but it wasn't the deal you're referring to.