Back to the (grin)d stone.
You must have been talking about the ship next to mine. By the way we also
have a ro-ro freighter USNS Red Cloud and it's definitely asteel ship?
"Joe" wrote in message
"Michael" wrote in message
100 miles to go and I'm home. Just got into Seattle. Stopped by the
hall. Visited some friends. Phone rings. Hey you want to go work on
ship that needs delivery to a dry dock? So . . .0500 tomorrow I fly to
MardiGras-itaville and back to it for a (hopefully) few more weeks.
So what's all this BS about no jobs and no high paying jobs? I can't
more than a 10 day vacation after four and a half months of working
Time for people to quit whining, get a clue and start "working!" I
the break.
But in the meantime I'll take the money . . . . .miss the Oak Harbor L&A
party and cut yet another month off my schedule for going out full time
sailing. Life, as they say, is SWEET and the future is so BRIGHT I
where shades!
Especially before Kerry cuts the jobs, cuts the pay and raises the
Seriously, if US Citizens don't want to work there a lot of 'legal'
immigrants and 'legal' greencard holders from just the Phillipines ready
take the money. And they are damn fine sailors.
Make that back to the lode stone .. . . .
Doug was right .. . .union is definitely the way to go!
Have Fun, and thanks for the Photos. Makes me feel better now knowing
I was not on the ugliest ship ever to visit Deigo Garcia. ;0)