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Default Good news for America is bad news for the Democrats -OT

Election day comes and the Gipper is elected.

Regans call to Ayatolla Komanie: Listen here you *^#$!% rag head, you cut
em lose today or Im going to send in the 1 calvery backed by a dozen B-52
and a couple 100 tomahawk missles. I guarrenty Im going to make sure we
kill you after we kill 100 of your followers for every hostage that even
has a scratch on a finger, do you understand you flea infested camel

Next day the hostages were set free.

Umm.. problem...
1- Tomahawk missiles weren't invented yet
2- Without prepositioned forces (which Carter did some, but not anywhere
near enough to support such an attack) it would be a totally empty
threat, which the Iranians would know quite well
3- for a President to threaten war in such a manner would be a greivous
violation of the Constitution.

Clearly you think it's cool to just kill lots of people with no reason.
So tell me, what seperates you from the average terrorist?