And, Dave isn't a constitutional scholar either. So, he's basically
blowing a lot of smoke.
"j" ganz @@
"DSK" wrote in message

Dave wrote:
A Constitutional scholar you're not, Doug.
Nope... however it is relatively plainly written. All legal obfuscation
aside, there is no legal basis for a President to make the kind of
threats against another country that Joe was talking about. That would
be a de-facto (spiffy technical term, huh) act of war.
Do you have an explanation of for the timing of the release of the
Iranian hostages, considering that they declared they were willing to
send them home about three months before the election and then held them
until "15 minutes after Reagan was inaugurated"??
I do... it's logical and consistent with known facts... but it is not
flattering to Reagan and thus rejected by you "constitutional scholar"
types. BTW if you don't believe in the Constitution, does that make you
conservative or liberal?